May 23, 2006

It's an actual sweater!

The title of this post was my husband's response when I showed him that I finished my first baby sweater (my first sweater of any kind actually) yesterday! He was actually surprised it turned to have two arm holes and a neck and everything. He said, "You made an actual piece of clothing!" This was all meant to be very supportive and about as excited as one man could get about a baby sweater his wife just finished knitting.

I was so thrilled with myself. I haven't washed or blocked yet. But here are pictures of the FO and the sweater being modeled by Daughter #2 (D2-age 8 months). It's the Children's Placket sweater from Last-minute Knitted gifts in Knitpicks pink Crayon yarn. I should have used size 6 needles but forged on with the 7s anyway because I was too lazy to rip it back and start over. I did do a gauge swatch and knew I should use the 6s, but went ahead anyway. (I was too excited to get going on it and didn't want to wait to order size 6 dpns).

I felt like an idiot reading the pattern. I am one of those visual learners, so often a bunch of words on paper in a technical manner make me feel like I'm reading mumbo gumbo. But of course, the Knitting Goddess came to my rescue and translated. I figured things out after awhile. But I don't know why they just don't say knit one round this way, knit the next seven that way....yada yada.

I think I'm slowly becoming addicted to knitting. I found myself standing at the kitchen counter frantically knitting in about 15 minute increments while dealing with the kids. I have found that I can sort of "trick" Daughter #1 (D1-age 2 1/2 years) that Mommy is busy in the kitchen if I stand at the counter and knit. If I sit in the living room and knit she wants to bug me the whole time. I don't ignore her, if she needs something I get it, but there are times when Mommy just has stuff she needs/wants to get done. And dammit, that sleeve just wanted to be finished!

Anyway, here you go:

I realize you didn't really need FIVE pictures to see my handiwork. But that's what you get because I'm so excited about it. I did modify the pattern a bit. I made the 6-12m size (for the body) and used the 1-2 years sizing for the length of sleeves and the body length. D2 has pretty long arms and is long-waisted, but still pretty skinny all the way around. So I compensated for that. It turned out pretty well. The sleeves are a smidge long, but I did that on purpose for "room to grow".

Well, I think that's all for now. I may post a few pictures of my previous projects in the coming days.

1 comment:

allisonmariecat said...

So cute! The fit is amazing, Holly! You should be proud of yourself.

Ha! I have a link to your knitting blog on my sidebar now :)