November 01, 2009

Lace Ribbon Scarf

So it seems that I only like to knit in the fall. I have all these grand ideas for projects throughout the year, but I only ever get any finished in the fall. Ella has been in private speech therapy for 3 1/2 years and 3 of those years has been with the same therapist, Ms. Kim. Well, Nov. 24th will be her last session! This is both exciting for us and bittersweet. Mostly because we've gotten to know Ms. Kim a bit and will miss seeing her on a weekly basis. However, so exciting that Ella has come sooo far with her speech and no longer needs the private therapy (she still receives 2 sessions/week of speech in school).

As a thank you for all the wonderful work she has done with Ella, I wanted to make Kim a scarf. I set about looking for a very specific color of yarn. I wanted it to be variegated and representative of both Ella and Kim. Kim likes more earthy colors of moss green, browns, grays, and oranges but she always tried to remember to wear pink on the day she worked with Ella because she knew it was Ella's favorite color. On a visit to Coldwater Collaborative in Excelsior about 15 minutes away (photo of store to the left, doesn't it look sumptuous?). I found a beautiful skein of Noro Silk Garden Lite in color 2032. And I decided to use the Lace Ribbon Scarf from

And this last photo is one that I'm going to include with the scarf when we give it to Kim:
I have a few other projects in the works right now that hopefully I can get finished up before Christmas. As well as a few baby projects I'd like to get done in January before Baby #3 makes his debut.