May 26, 2006

Hmm.....what to do next?

I can't decide what to work on next. I reorganzied my craft cabinet this week. I found all the yarn I had just been stashing in various corners of our bedroom (is this why they call it yarn stash?) and realized I have a ton of stash yarn already! Mostly baby yarn stuff. So I could make some blankets, sweaters, etc. And I plan to. I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and actually picked up a copy of Last Minute Knitted Gifts. For the sweater I just finished, I used the corrected pattern from here. I do like some other projects in the book so I gave in and used my 15% off one item coupon on that. I haven't been doing much regular reading lately anyway.

I like the hour-glass sweater in there and was thinking of maybe making that for me. But I wouldn't have the first clue of what color or type of yarn I would use. Hmm....maybe I should just do another children's placket sweater with my stash yarn. I definitely want to make another one soon. As I'm an almost perfectionist (meaning, I'm truly lazy at heart but know that I can do something better. The lazy part means I never really stop and redo something, the almost perfectionist part means, I just do it better next time).

Oooh, I loved some of the hats in LMKG too. So maybe I'll try one of those for a change of pace....

Just rambling today...

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