July 20, 2006

Dedicated readers

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I'm pleased to see my hit counter rising though. I was beginning to think I was the only one that looked at my own blog. ;-) I have been on vacation the last eight days or so, as well as looking for a new house. So I decided against bringing the knitting with me. I know that must sound blasphemous, but I sort of felt like I wouldn't work on it, why pack it?

At any rate, my knitalong with Allison is soon becoming a knit-a-follow because she is WAY ahead of my measly little 11 rows that I have completed on the sweater. ;-)

I will return to the knitting in a few days and I'll post a progress photo to get opinions on the way the yarn is looking.

Happy Knitting!

PS. Why, when I perform a spellcheck, does blogger not recognize "blog" as a word? You'd think they would have added that one to their dictionary.

1 comment:

allisonmariecat said...

That's okay...follow along :) I have my shawl to work on, too, and I go back and forth on which I'm knitting on more, so you'll probably catch up once you get back.

Yeah...I think even the OED has added 'blog'--you'd think Blogger would have that one!